A Post for February
>> Thursday, February 21, 2008
So.... Once again it would seem that I have let my blogging slide. I really have no excuse, all sorts of interesting things have happened in my world recently. Why, just last week I went for coffee at a Paintball business, where we were served by a singing, one-legged man who barked like a dog. No word of a lie. No doubt my four quasi-regular readers must be wondering why I haven't written in so long. I suppose there are any number of reasons. For one, I've been busy writing something else, a work of fiction (gasp!). Not too sure where it all came from, never mind where it's going but it is consuming the time I would normally reserve for this blog. Also there is my whole snowboarding obsession to consider. Now that I've bought a season's pass for night boarding I feel compelled to go every night I can. Need to get my money's worth you understand. Overwhelmingly though, I think I've come down with a case of terminal apathy. Though maybe not, as I am apparently still capable of feeling jealousy. Like for example, several people I know are right now, as I type this, off wandering the globe in exotic-sounding locales. Dammit. It's just not fair... So I'm sure you all get why it is that I haven't been writing. Oh yeah, and school. Quite busy with that too. I'm actually writing this in class... Very poor form that. I should go. Adding a random picture for visual interest.