Holy Cow

>> Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's been so long since I blogged I find myself incapable of beginning in any coherent fashion... I mean, it's been a while hasn't it? Don't really know exactly why it is I stopped blogging... It's not that I didn't think about it. Mind you, it was usually really late right before I fell asleep and I'd think about something to say, but apathy just seemed to take over and nothing got done. I started a few posts, which will now never see the light of day, but just couldn't find it in me to finish them. I think maybe I'm developing severe ADD or something... Not that I can't concentrate. All I've been thinking about these last few weeks is SNOWBOARD SEASON IS ALMOST HERE. And yes, I have been thinking about it in bold, italicized, rainbow-coloured capital letters. I really don't know what to say, my obsessions rarely last longer than a year or so. Except for my travel/photography/kayaking/tai chi obsessions. Those seem to be terminal cases. In any case. I have a new goal in life folks: I am going (how I'm not entirely sure) to snowboard my way around the world. I figure I can kill three obsessive birds with this stone: travel, photography and of course, risking life and limb sliding down ridiculously steep snow-covered surfaces with both feet strapped to a slab of fiber-whatever it is they make snowboards out of these days. I have half-assedly planned my route: Start the season at home (hidden motivation: not to miss Christmas with the family -guaranteed to make me happy to be on the road for several months) and make a quick detour through the States. Then Europe starting west in Scotland (I have this vision -granted probably completely unrealistic- of hottie scotties boarding in kilts) and working my way east across Andorra, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Turkey and the like, before heading into Asia. Russia, Kazakhstan, India (sweet Buddha, how I love that country), China, Hokkaido... A short break back home just to remind me why it is I love to travel and then head way south: Chile, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand... Now I just need to find funds for my trip. Personally I think it would make a pretty rocking reality show: "Solomon Slip-Slides Around the World". The tagline could be "How many concussions will it take before permanent obvious, lasting brain damage sets in? Tune in next week..."

Well. I guess that's it. Nothing more to add. Except, I bought a new boarding jacket off ebay today. Pretty psyched about that. And I'm buying a banana board in time for Mt. Washington to open... I have no really good pics to put up, and certainly nothing relating to snowboarding my way around the world, so I'll put up one of my favourite photos from this past year...