
>> Monday, January 29, 2007

Last night I was down at a friend's place for dinner when I had an epiphany. I have finally figured out why it is that life is so difficult: I am climbing a hill. "Climbing a hill?" you ask. Yes my friends, we are all climbing hills. It came to my realization when somebody said "Your dad's what, 68? Damn, he's over the hill..."
And then it hit me. I'm still climbing that proverbial hill.
Although I suppose that saying life is easier once you've crested the hill is a gross assumption on my part. After all, my dad still works 40 hours a week, and by all indications he will continue to do so until he drops dead in the traces.
Well. That's it I guess. It all seems sort of anti-climactic now. But I'm telling ya, if I had been a cartoon, a little light bulb would've magically appeared above my head while angels sang the hallelujah chorus in the background...
As it would be too much work to upload video showing a dramatic re-enactment of the event, I will put up an artist's (that's a bit of a stretch) rendition instead.

And now you all know why I'm not making my living as an illustrator.


Mea Culpa

>> Monday, January 22, 2007

So it snowed again. And yes folks, it is all my fault. It would seem I made a rather rash prediction that it would not snow again this season.
In my defense, I never did go out and buy snow boots. If I had, it never would have snowed. But I decided that I should save my money for the cruise I went on a week or so ago. Which ended up being a truly crap experience anyways. I might as well have gone out and bought snow boots when I said I was going to. Not that a lack of money would have improved the cruise any...
I am still trying to recover from the weird super-virus I picked up on that boat. 30 plus degrees, the middle of the feckin Caribbean, and I spent half my time passed out in bed. The only thing that cruise had to recommend it was the food. And really, you can only eat so much in a day. After I got sick on the third day I couldn't taste anything anyways. I think I might actually have lost more weight on that one week cruise than I did in 6 weeks of travel in Asia. Live and learn I guess. The year's lessons thus far: buy the damn snow boots when you need them and just say no to cruises.
On account of I try to include pictures in my posts I'll put up a picture of a big green leaf I took while in Belize. Why did I take a picture of a big green leaf? I'm really not too sure. Possibly the combined effects of the weird virus and sunstroke. Or maybe it was just a little too much cashew wine.