A Brief Update on the State of Affairs

>> Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sadly, I'm not having any affairs.

Sorry, a rather bad joke that.

So. Apparently I haven't written anything in quite a while. What can I say, there's nothing happening in my life these days that's worth writing about. Which is not to say that nothing has happened. In point of fact two once-a-year things happened to me all in the same 7-day span. Well, it's a 7-day span if you include tomorrow. Dammit. It's MY blog, and I'll include near-future events if I want to.
So. In any case. The first once-a-year thing that happened is I walked outside (in my typically untied shoes), stepped off the deck into a half filled-in post hole and severely sprained my left ankle (incidentally the same ankle I sprained in India only it was much, much worse this time). I fell over, and screamed my head off. My voice still hasn't recovered (to say nothing of my ankle). There I was lying on my side in the wet grass, clutching my ankle and screaming, all the while thinking: "I hope I didn't land in a pile of dog shit. I should have picked up the dog shit this morning. God, I have to stop screaming. Why am I screaming???? I hope I'm not lying in dog shit"... In any case, I eventually managed to stop screaming (I'm not too sure it was voluntary, my vocal chords probably just wore out) and crawled across the deck, into the house, to the medicine cabinet where (praise be to Gitche Manitou) I found an old bottle of Tylenol 3, then on to pass out on the couch. Not that I actually managed to pass out, but I tried. Thankfully I've made a fair recovery in the past few days, and I can almost sort of walk again.
Which brings me to my second once-a-year thing. It's election time for my band, which means the chief is heading west! That's right folks, my band is so wealthy (cough, choke, gasp, wheeze -I can hardly hold back the laughter) that every second year the chief and band manager hit the left coast and take the western band members (curiously enough all relatives of mine) out for dinner. Usually somewhere exceedingly expensive. To be honest I wish they'd just send each of us a cheque for $500 or so and just be done with it. But I'm gonna go, 'cause the food is good, and it's free. Plus I'm gonna drop some hints about wanting some more money for school.
So that's it. All the news that's new and exciting in my world. Oh yeah, and I've hired someone (and it cost an obscene amount of money) to train the damn pup. Of course, now I have to wait for my ankle to heal a bit. All things in good time. Oh and for a picture, since there is no photographic record of my stellar sprain-my-ankle-then-wonder-if-I'm-lying-in-dog-shit moment, I will put up a picture of Ana, who looks like she might have been having that very same "am I lying on something nasty?" thought when I snapped this pic.