Tickety Boo

>> Thursday, May 10, 2007

My cat Boo has disappeared. He hasn't come home for 48 hours, and while it still seems very unreal to me, I must assume that he is dead, most likely the victim of a coyote. There have been many coyotes around this year, and Boo was forever off in the field across the street hunting for mice. I hope his death was quick and painless. He was one of my Fort Langley kittens (just about the only good thing I took away from that place), and it is hard to look at the other two and not see him curled up with them on the couch. I hope I stop missing him soon.


Care 2:06 pm  

oh no. Im so sorry about your kitty!

Solomon 7:21 pm  

Well, I have succumbed to the height of foolishness and made a poster. I know all I have done is raised my hopes for nothing, but who knows? Maybe the coyote that ate him can read and will give me a shout...