Justifiable Dog-icide

>> Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So. It would seem that Geordie has heretofore unsuspected depths of badness. Today as I was returning from a friend's the little monster suddenly took it upon himself to go the other way. Which would have been all good except I was going really fast. On my bike. And was oblivious to his change of heart until I was flying through the air in a pretty good if somewhat short-lived imitation of Superman. To make matters worse I was not wearing my helmet, which required some pretty funky moves to keep my melon from smacking the asphalt. I managed to skid to a stop on my right elbow, which would have been fine except that in doing so I sprained my shoulder pretty bad.
On the plus side, now I have an excuse to sit around and do nothing. On the downside, I can't pull up my own pants without inducing severe pain... But I guess life's like that. Six of one, half a dozen of the other... No matter how you slice it, I figure I'm lucky. A friend of mine fractured two vertebra last week, and I'm glad not to be living that.


Care 1:32 pm  

a friend of mine recently told me that i was not only accident prone, but incident prone. dude, you hold the gold medal for canada for both! ;) if it were me, i would just take to wearing the same pair of sweat pants until they rotted off of me, so i wouldnt have to bother changing them haha.
in other news, congrats about the photo school. that's pretty effing awesome. as for unexciting lives, trust me, just b/c i have a crazy person float into one of my many boring days means nothing. lol, since we've slowed down for the summer i have the most boring shit to do. i dont even WANT to put in an effort right now bc i am so sluggish due to no one buying anything. but oh well. i cant bitch too much.
sorry for the monumental reply...ive been meaning to comment for some time, but have been incredibly lazy ;)