Buddha in a Teacup! I've Been Tagged

>> Monday, August 27, 2007

Thanks Care... Now all I have to do is think of 8 interesting facts to tell the world (by which I mean my three quasi-regular readers) about me. Which should be no problem. If only I could possibly quit agonizing over exactly what other people might find interesting. This would be way easier if I could just confess 8 weird things about me. But here goes nothing:

  1. I own two turtles with French names (Henri Boivin and Pichou) and I usually only speak to them in French. I really couldn't say why though... Henri, who is now 12 years old (and by all appearances will live forever) likes to listen to me play my violin. I think that he and my own ever-loving mother are the only two creatures on earth who do.
  2. I love to travel. Quite possibly above and beyond all other things. I like to travel so much that I would be willing to sacrifice good paying contracts if they interfered with my plans. Current plans include the Inca trail in July and then Leh, Tibet and Rajasthan in Sept/October 2008.
  3. I almost drowned in Ecuador in 2005. Then I went white water kayaking later on that same day. For the first time in my life. Which I know points to the fact that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Although I have to say I do not really fear death. Not that I am in a particular rush but I do believe in fate and reincarnation, which certainly takes the edge off worrying about when and how I will kick it.
  4. I have absolutely no feckin idea what I want to do when I grow up (which technically speaking I'm supposed to be by now). Right now I think that maybe I might want to be a photographer. I have also worked as a translator (boring), a communications coordinator (too many meetings, too much bullshit, and way too much stress), and as a tour guide (I just ended up getting all jealous of the vacationing people I met everyday on the job). I think that what I really, really want to do is be independently wealthy. I just have no clue how to get there. I also would like to write, but so far this blog is about all I have managed (beyond work related publications).
  5. I love animals. Just about all animals, even animals of the ugly, non-cute, human killing, foul smelling variety. My brother found a rat at work and kept it, and although in the normal course of things rats kind of make me shudder I've still kinda fallen in love with Pinky. Even though he bit me once. When I was younger I wanted to be a vet. Probably should have followed up on that...
  6. I think men in kilts are totally hot. Although I suppose I should qualify that a bit. Physically fit men in kilts are hot. And on a bit of an aside I really like the sound of bagpipes and would like to buy some and learn to play them. I collect musical instruments from the places I travel, and by now have quite the assortment ranging from a mouth harp to a charango. And all they do is sit around and collect dust.
  7. If I hear a song two or three times in a row it is stuck in my head for just about forever. Which can be really, really annoying. Like right now I keep hearing Elvis singing Suspicious Minds... "So if an old friend I know, drops by to say hello"....
  8. I live with my rather large extended family, which I love but which also drives me absolutely feckin nuts. I mean, honestly, while I was writing this I had my nephew Mackenzie hanging off my elbow asking me about whether or not the turtles poo, and if they did poo where was it, and what does it look like anyways. I tell you, children are not for the faint of heart. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, and kids for some odd reason like me. But when I finally have some of my own, should that day come, I am so totally going to let other people (you know, those women who see little babies and get all doe-eyed and mushy and start to talk baby talk) take them off my hands and do the nasty stuff like changing diapers, or feeding and burping them, or take them out trick-or-treating and the like.

So that's it I guess. Don't really know who else I could tag, I suppose Amn. Although I wouldn't be shocked if he totally ignored this...