Freaky Coincidence

>> Monday, November 26, 2007

This dude looks like he could be my nephew Danny's twin. Freaky. Not that Danny would drive a Jeep Liberty. But still. Freaky.


The Worst Mark Ever

>> Tuesday, November 20, 2007

So. Got an assignment back yesterday. Only got 66%. That's the worst mark I ever got in my life. Ever. Well barring my high school chemistry provincial, but in my defense I slept through most of it. I'd like to believe that I would've done way better than 51% had I actually been conscious and writing the exam. But I digress. Back to the here and now. I knew I did a shit job when I handed in the assignment, so I can't even say that I was surprised by the 66%. But it still sucks. I should have handed it in a week late and sucked up the ten percent off I would have lost. Oh well. Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Hopefully I've got it out of my system now. Life is too short for bitter regrets. I'm not too sure which of my pictures best conveys bitter regret (ok, so I know that none of them do). As such I'm putting up a picture of the man who gave me the shit mark. And perhaps (just for shits and giggles) I will go out and try to photograph bitter regret one of these days. Maybe when I have a spare moment that isn't being eaten up by school and my crackbook addiction.


Damn you Crackbook, Damn you...

>> Tuesday, November 06, 2007

So. It would seem that at least two of my three quasi-regular readers have abandoned me for crackbook... The only person commenting on my blogs these days is some crazy-assed lunatic leaving rude messages. A pox upon your house crackbook! I hate you. And as for the crazy-assed lunatic, why don't you go crawl back into the slimy pit from whence you came. Oh, and a pox upon your slimy pit I guess... And now time for my confession:

My name is Solomon, and I am a crackbooker. It has been a few minutes since I last went on crackbook...

Wish I could say I felt better for having said that, but somehow seeing it in writing makes me feel worse. I have no idea what picture would go well with this post, so I'm just randomly choosing the above. Now that I only have one non-commenting quasi-regular reader left I suppose it doesn't matter anyways. And as for you, oh crazy-assed lunatic, you can keep your nasty thoughts to yourself.


12 Solid Hours

>> Thursday, November 01, 2007

Gitche Manitou loves me. This I know, cause last night I slept 12 (mostly) solid hours for the first time since I don't know when. I went to bed at 9 (quit laughing, I was tired) slept til about 4, woke up feeling like shit, went downstairs passed out on the couch, slept til it got too light out, went back to the loft and slept til past 9.
And yes, I admit that with this post I have reached a new low in my blogging history, but dammit this is a news worthy event... As for the pic, it's Hornby Island and completely non-related...