Oh My Aching Arse
>> Sunday, January 20, 2008
When I decided to take up snowboarding everyone I told warned me it was going to be a painful experience. They were wrong. Despite countless spills and scrapes I always felt pretty decent after boarding. Until Friday, which turned out to be a banner day for wrecking things. The first thing I hurt was my poor sorry arse which took such a bruising that I am still today sitting on a cushion. I hit the ground so hard I got an instant headache, even though my melon didn't touch the ground. I tell you, that's just not right. 72 hours later I still have a headache, nothing too bad but it's just not going away. I think I gave myself whiplash. Just to put this whole thing in perspective for you (yes my four quasi-regular readers I am addressing this blog to you) I was at the bottom of the ruddy bunny hill when it happened. Then, to make the night complete, I somehow managed to rip the bottom of my left boot, I think when I skidded to a very fast halt in an attempt not to flatten some schmuck who had the great misfortune of falling on their arse right in front of me. I somehow ended up standing on the back edge of the board on one foot. I had no idea my board could bend like that... So now I have to find a new pair of boots to go with my click-in bindings... I'm feeling very sorry for myself... But still looking forward to heading back up the mountain as soon as possible. Hopefully I can get new boots by Thursday.
ummm haven't been reading for a bit... nice board you could use this as davids cookie assignment!
haha, this is the one reason i havent learned to board yet, even thought i really want to! i'll stick with skiing ;)
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