Hey Diddle Diddle

>> Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey diddle diddle
The cat took a piddle
The cow walked out of the room
The little dog barfed and turned out the light
While grandma belched out a tune...


Anonymous 11:54 pm  

I think you need a release form to post me on the internet... :P Just kidding... Hope your pup is doing better!


Solomon 6:31 pm  

well you could sue me i guess, but i have no money, so really it would be rather pointless...
em's doing not too badly by the by. there's a vague chance i may be returning to the island at the end of August, if you're still going to be around...

Anonymous 5:30 pm  

cute... are you going to finish it?

Solomon 10:05 am  

what???? that's it. there is no rest of it....
it was a collaborative effort anyways and now that Gabe's gone I couldn't possibly write anymore...