
>> Tuesday, September 19, 2006

So, I’m leaving for India on October 5th, for six weeks vacation. What seemed like a truly brilliant idea way back in March now appears to be the height of foolishness…People have been full of helpful advice, and pithy little comments: “never smile at a monkey”, “ride an elephant, just don’t fall off”, “what the hell do you want to go to India for anyways?”… And my all time favourite (so far): “you know, they put sugar on all their food in India” (if in fact this is true, India sounds like my kind of country)…
Last year, on the spur of the moment I went to Ecuador. Everything went smoothly, from booking flights to getting vaccinations. Despite warnings from other travellers and Ecuadorians I met en route to Quito, I didn’t meet a single bloodthirsty, just-waiting-to-rob-you-blind Colombian the entire time I was there (not too sure why Colombians, but that’s what they would have you believe). I spent nearly three weeks there, and had a blast.
So back to the India trip… Nothing has gone smoothly... Booking flights has been a nightmare, and I haven’t even been to the travel clinic yet (with my luck, I’ll contract some hideous disease as a result of this oversight).
Yesterday I went to pick up my ticket for a flight to Kathmandu from Delhi. Somewhere between booking it online, and having the ticket mailed to me, the flight time was bumped up two hours…. I won’t be in Delhi in time to make that flight… Just my luck… Have to be in Kathmandu by that evening… What the FUCK am I going to do? Go to India and take it on faith that somehow, I’ll make to Kathmandu by 6 p.m. on October 21st… Surely Ganesh will smile down upon me, and make it all come together…

I have included a picture of a monkey I saw while in Ecuador. I did not smile at it...


Anonymous 12:44 am  

we don't put sugar on all our food!

who the heck said that? for pete's sake, who in the world would order "sweet curry"???

Solomon 5:50 pm  

I'm sure that someone out there thinks that "sweet curry" is THE way the go...
The irony of it all is that I heard this from my friend Janit while we were eating lunch at an Indian Deli on Marshall in Abby (great naan bread). And she was just telling me something that someone who travelled in India told her. So I guess this is advice I will take with a grain of salt. Or sugar, as it were.

Anonymous 6:29 pm  

well janit's friend that went to india is a "stupid"