Francine & Darwin

>> Friday, September 29, 2006

Fran and Dub got married tonight in Chehalis, in a traditional wedding ceremony. The whole thing lasted about four and a half hours (in the woods, mosquitoes no extra charge), although I left early, for all I know festivities continue as I type. I’ve been to countless ceremonies over the years, but this is the first traditional Sto:lo wedding I’ve attended. As with all things of this nature, the less intimately you are involved in the ceremony, the more interminable it seems, although for the most part things moved along… The mask dancers were there, that was pretty cool (go see them if you ever get the chance)... So here’s what I love about native ceremonies. No one’s invited, everyone just shows up. Kids are always welcome, and no one freaks out if they make a little noise. There’s always, always food…
So far as I know, Fran and Dub have been together for years. Their son (little Dub) must be just about four by now. I suppose marriage was the logical next step... I mean, I guess... Actually I see nothing wrong with living in sin forever, but that's just me... So congratulations Francine and Darwin, may your marriage be a happy one.