Yak's Guide to Proper Pronunciation

>> Friday, October 27, 2006

They say that travelling broadens the mind. This may well be true, far be it from me to argue to the contrary. I have (as you will have noticed if you read this blog at all -that's right I'm adressing this to my three quasi-regular readers) been on the road for a short while now, and I shudder to think of the narrow-minded person I was before leaving home on my most recent wanderings. One of the people I have met on my travels is Yak (Yakesh actually), age 36 (or so he claims), an English defense lawyer, youngest of 6 children from Leicester, son of a Kenyan and an Indian. From nearly the very beginning of our trip together, we (the entire group not just Yak and I) have had a bit of a running argument about the proper pronunciation of inummerable words. As we are an international crowd there is rarely much concensus. The greatest bone of contention though concerns two words only: vitamin and yogourt (yes, I know, that is a singularly Canadian way of spelling that word -that would be because it works in both French and English... but I digress...).
In any case, for your edification (and the stretching of your mind -HA! I have come full circle to the beginning of this ramble) I am going to attempt to upload a short video of Yak's guide to the proper pronunciation of these words... If it doesn't work (and it probably won't) you'll just have to wait until I get home...


Anonymous 2:37 am  


why would you believe someone named after a mountain cow?

Solomon 1:32 am  

I didn't say anywhere that I believed him... And how can one brown person mock another brown person's name? Isn't there some kind of rule against that? Although I have to admit that after meeting him, I couldn't eat "Yak Cheese" without having to force my mind to not go down a bad path...

Anonymous 5:39 pm  

jon kleese said it best....

"that daaaaaaaft breeeeeeeeeeetissssssssshhhhhhh
