The Not so Sacred Water Buffalo

>> Saturday, October 14, 2006

So I've been traveling in India for about a week now. Everywhere I go there are cows. Sacred cows. Apparently it's the only kind of cow to be found in this country. A cow is the only safe animal in Indian traffic, and even when they go on a rampage in the city injuring people right left and centre, it's not o.k. to shoot them. Oh no, they must be gently tranquilized. Never mind the broken and bleeding bodies in the street. Water buffaloes are also a pretty common sight here. I think the only reason they don't get run over is that they're so damn big that it would be like hitting a moose...
Going by what I've been told, cows are sacred because they provide so much for the people of India. They are beasts of burden, pulling carts, ploughing fields. They provide milk, which of course is a great source of protein. Good reasons for being made sacred. Such good reasons that cows are not considered edible in this corner of the world.
Now consider the plight of the poor water buffalo. Water buffaloes are also beasts of burden. They too must pull and plough. They too provide milk for cheese and sundry dairy products. On top of all these magnificent qualities, according to Hindu religion the death deity Yamraj rides on the water buffalo's back. And yet water buffalo is on the menu. It's what's for dinner...
Does that seem right to you?


Anonymous 1:33 am  

Go north...

we have steak.