Happy Birthday Nathan (old man)
>> Tuesday, July 17, 2007
So. Apparently all I've been doing lately is staying in Deroche alot, kind of cut off from the real world, and acting all hermit-ish and reclusive. But Sunday was Nathan's 30th (ha! you were mad about the sign on the wall. now my three quasi-regular readers know how old you are too), so off I went to the Big Chill to help celebrate. By eating macaroni salad, ice cream cake, shooting the shit with friends, dodging balloons launched by Bodey and sadly declining the cinnamon schnapps and all other alcoholic offerings as I had to drive myself home. Which is just about the most excitement I've had in weeks. Ever since the haunted house incident now that I think about it. And yes, upon reflection, I realize just how truly pathetic my life seems thank you very much for thinking that thought just now as you read this. Feel free not to comment. It would just be too depressing.
But anyways.
Nathan thinks he's old now, and is mourning the loss of his twenties. Which makes me wonder what the hell I'm doing going back to school at an even older age... I swear to Gitche Manitou that nothing makes you feel more decrepit than a younger person complaining that they're old...
I suppose I should count myself lucky that just about everybody I meet thinks I'm at least a decade younger than I actually am... But in my experience all that means is I get carded when I try to buy a carton of milk, and really, I don't get the respect I deserve.
But I shouldn't whinge. Time will cure all I suppose.
turning 30 scares the ba-jeezus outta me. i know i am being a tinge retarded, but eeek.
also, i stayed away from those pics of dan radcliff nekked. didnt want to scar myself too badly. plus, i think ron's a cutie anyways :) and yes, i think jk rowling took out her anger on the HP series and killed off as many characters as she thought she could get away with. damn her. i loved the twins.
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