Poor Wee Geordie

>> Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yesterday morning I noticed my young dog was not feeling so good. I called the vet and made an appointment for the afternoon, but within 15 minutes of hanging up the phone he was so sick he couldn't stand up. Realizing there was something seriously wrong I rushed him to the vet and asked if they could see him as an emergency. After sitting in the office for 10 minutes or so, the receptionist turns to me and says: "you know, we really can't see him you should take him someplace else". So I did, in fact going to three more clinics before I found a vet willing to listen to me (the receptionist at the first place said "he doesn't look all that sick to me"). He examined wee Geordie and realized his intestines were knotted up, which as I am sure you can imagine is very, very serious. So serious in fact that he didn't want to waste time taking an X-ray, which only takes seconds. The vet had actually left a surgery to come and see my pup, and literally picked Geordie up and carried him into surgery to try and sort things out. He made no promises that it would end well. Miraculously we got him to the doctor's in time to save his intestine, as the vet had originally thought that he'd have to excise the knotted part and then join the two healthy ends. Unfortunately he had developed a raging infection in his intestines from the blockage, and he is still in hospital getting fluids and antibiotics intravenously. I went to see him this morning and he seemed so much better than he did yesterday after surgery (when he could hardly blink his eyes). The vet has told me he's not out of the woods yet though, so I am asking my three quasi-regular readers to please pray to whatever gods or deities that they might believe in that my poor wee Geordie recovers soon. We are in your debt...

The irony of the whole thing is what had blocked his intestines was the ear off of his little lambie squeak toy, which according to the label is an "approved dog toy". For all you dog owners out there, please be careful what you give your dog, even though rawhide bones are gross and smelly and disgusting, at least your dog can digest them if they get ingested. This the ear the doctor removed from Geordie's insides:

And on a final note, even though I really try not to say unkind things about others in my blog, I would very much like to tell that dumb bitch at the first vet's office that if she knows that the vet there cannot see an animal on an emergency basis, she should bloody well say so when they walk in the door, and not ten nerve-wracking, is-my-dog-gonna-die? minutes later.


Anonymous 12:17 am  

I pray for your dog. Had it been a cat, i would not be so kind.

Have you written a letter of complaint to the lamb-dog creators? or to the store you bought it from?

From what i read, looks like Georgie will pull through, get him a real lamb to "play" with!

Solomon 12:31 pm  

Just what I need, another animal to care of... I think the only person I'm going to complain to is the owner of the first vet's office we visited... Damn that woman, damn her anyways. A pox upon her house.