Wee Geordie
>> Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I recently bought a new puppy. The last thing I really needed was another animal as I already have far too many, but I had been missing my darling big, black, woobie Hounslow terribly. It's not that I expected that he could ever be replaced, but I needed something to fill the hole he left in my world. Hounslow of course was a black lab. I've owned many over the years, but this time I opted for something different, a border collie. I already have a border collie named Emma and she's about the smartest dog that ever walked the earth. In any case, I scoured the web searching for the perfect dog to add to my canine crew. First I searched the SPCA and the Border Collie Rescue Society. No luck there as they won't adopt out Border Collies to homes with children and I have three rugrats 3-4 days a week. So I went through all the pet adds in the buy and sell. We ended up choosing a puppy from a family up in Bridge Lake. The pup's parents were both champions of sheep trials, and while I own no sheep (thank god) I thought that it would be nice to have a dog with winning bloodlines. Not only that, but he was a steal for a purebred at only $250 (Emma cost me $350) and they delivered him right to our doorstep. We named him Geordie.
All went well for half a week.
Then Geordie met Jeffie.
It was not a fair match.
Jeffie outweighs Geordie by at least 50%.
He's bigger.
And meaner.
And has huge claws.
I'm talking about a cat who once sent a grown man to the hospital to get stitches.
So my bargain basement border collie has turned into a nearly $1000 investment. He's been to the regular vet once, and a specialised (read exceedingly costly) veterinary opthamologist twice. He's going back to see her in January. At this point in time we don't yet know if he will need surgery, as Jeffie's claws apparently went right through the iris. And the cornea. And then the lens. Poor Geordie has a cataract, which the vet says may heal on it's own as he is so very young. Thankfully the cornea is almost completely healed. So to all those out there who read my blog please say a little prayer to whatever gods or deities you believe in that my little puppy will heal his cataract all on his own without surgery. We appreciate your kind thoughts.